AI Assistant

A personal concierge for every employee

Deliver fast service to employees with Atom, Atomicwork's AI-powered Assistant.

Deliver personalized employee experiences

All they have to do is ask Atom

Integrate your enterprise knowledge graph

Connect Atom to all of the enterprise applications, knowledge management systems and FAQ docs you use at work everyday so that Atom can find what your employees need, when they need it.

Content is always in sync with your source applications, fulfilling GDPR and CCPA requirements. Atom also always cites its sources, giving your employees the power to make fast decisions.

Provide personalized and accurate answers

Configure access control lists (ACLs) so that answers are customized to who the employee is, what their location is and what they have access to.

ACLs are inherited from source systems and can be configured in Atomicwork as well.

Put your TRUST in our AI

Atom has been designed using state of the art AI models and proprietary Atomicwork technology.

Grounded in your data with  privacy controls and built-in AI guardrails, Atom has been configured to answer questions only based on your content and won't respond inappropriately or incorrectly. Learn more.

A go-to expert for every employee

Atom delivers round-the-clock assistance to your employees, no matter what the timezone or language

Trusted knowledge web

Atom learns not just from the enterprise apps you use but also the app's knowledge bases so it can help with any question.

PII processing measures

Atom automatically masks PII in user messages and requests; even during ingestion, PII is masked.

Real-time knowledge updates

Atom learns from the public channels it's added to in Slack and Microsoft Teams so it always has the most recent information.

No more looking for answers

Employees don't have to look up where to go for what information; Atom can be the CoE for all teams.

Verbatim, verified answers

In critical scenarios like HR compensation or medical benefits, use Atom's verified AI model to serve verbatim answers.

Workspaces for internal teams

Every team can manage their requests, and topics in their own spaces, while providing a one-stop shop for employee questions.

See Atomicwork in action now.

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