Modern Employee Self-service and IT Service Desk on Slack

Deliver HR support and IT service management, right from Slack so your end users can find instant support as and when they need. Automate IT support and employee self-service via support channels on Slack.

Unlock productivity and empowerment

A personal concierge for your employees

An AI-Assistant that can find answers and provide solutions for everyday issues

A work hub for your service teams

Use AI-powered service management to empower your IT, HR and other service teams

An automations center for your business

All the productivity gains from connected apps, without any of the integration pain or complexity

Frequently asked questions

What is Atomicwork?
What other apps does Atomicwork integrate with?
How can I try Atomicwork?
Is this available across all Slack plans?
How secure is my data? Can you read all of my employees' conversations?
Explore our integrations

Get more value from your tools

Connect your tools, connect your teams. With over 40+ apps already available in our directory, your team’s favourite tools are just a click away.
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